Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Remarks by Ambassador William A. Heidt at the AQUATOWER Inauguration Event in Kampong Speu

US Embassy in Cambodia

Hun Sen Chrey Hor Pnov High School, Kampong Speu
March 22, 2018
Your Excellency Hun Many, President, Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia and Member of the National Assembly from Kampong Speu province;
Mr. David Wigglesworth, CEO of the Cambodia Beverage Company;
Mr. Mark Steele, CEO of Planet Water;
Mr. Khut Khemrin, Head Master of Hun Sen Chrey Hor Pnov High School;

Distinguished guests, volunteers, residents of village.

I’m very happy to be here – on World Water Day! – to celebrate the installation of this new AquaTower, which will provide clean drinking water to hundreds of people at Hun Sen Chrey Hor Pnov high school each day.

We all know value of a good education, but ensuring that students have access to clean water at school is very important too. Why is that? Because drinking unsafe water can lead to illness, diarrhea and dehydration, or worse. Students too ill to go to school can’t learn.

And if students can’t learn, that impacts on education and overall economic development. So two simple problems – lack of safe water supplies and sanitation – can have complicated downstream consequences.

The delivery of today’s AquaTower will help solve both these problems – something that will benefit the students, teachers, and faculty at this school as well as the surrounding community.

I am very proud that Coca-Cola – an iconic American brand – together with Planet Water Foundation, helped bring this AquaTower to Kompong Speu.

As U.S. Ambassador, I am always happy to learn about the amazing corporate social responsibility projects that American companies are implementing around Cambodia.

Along with good jobs, high labor standards, and world class training, American companies do a terrific job giving back to the communities in which they operate. Coca-Cola’s work on these AquaTowers is a true example of that.

Last year, Coca Cola installed seven aqua towers at schools around Cambodia and plans to install eight more in 2018. And along with the installation, Coca Cola also supports five years of sustainability support, water quality monitoring, and the implementation of Planet Water’s hygiene education program.

I want to thank Coca-Cola for the work the company has done to help Cambodia. I also want to thank their various partners, including the Planet Water Foundation, the Head Master of Hun Sen Chrey Hor Pnov High School, and the volunteers who have supported this and similar projects that really benefit ordinary people. I’m grateful for and tremendously proud of their work.

Ohkun chraaln. Thank you everyone.

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