Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Unified Nation – Turkey

Khmer Times
Ilhan K. Tug,
Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Chief of Staff General Hulusi Akar (left to right), Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and Interior Minister Efkan Ala after the attempted coup in Ankara. Reuters

On the evening of July 15, a group within the Turkish Armed Forces attempted to stage a coup in Turkey, with the aim of deposing the democratically elected government.

The attempt failed, when people took to the streets to defend their democracy.

The people of Turkey, in an historic unity, regardless of their political, social and economic differences, remained defiant and stood bravely in front of the tanks, foiling the coup attempt and reclaiming their democratic rights and freedoms. All political leaders, parliamentarians, media, security personnel and patriotic military officials resisted the plotters and stood firmly against this terrorist plot from the very outset.

However, during this ordeal, 246 innocent civilian lives were lost and 2,185 were wounded. This showed the extent of how the coup plotters were so brutal, so merciless. We have witnessed scenes that we have never seen in Turkey before, our own soldiers pointing guns at our own people, unarmed civilians.

This coup attempt was the latest action by the Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), which aims to overthrow the Government of the Republic of Turkey by using force, violence or other illegal methods, and thus to seize the state authority.

Fethullah Gülen, a US-based Turkish preacher, runs a covert empire from his mansion in rural Pennsylvania consisting of a broad network of schools, banks, companies and media outlets with an estimated turnover of $25 billion per year.

Gülenists have schools in more than 100 countries and disguise their real motives. They claim to be the representatives of “moderate Islam” and “interfaith dialogue.” However, this is just window-dressing; their aim being to covertly infiltrate into public offices through their secret cell-type structure.

In a video captured in 1997, Mr. Gülen, in a sermon, urges his followers to infiltrate the Turkish state, by saying: “You have to penetrate the arteries of the system without being noticed. You have to wait for the right moment, until you have seized the entire power of the state.”

For this terrorist organization, the “right moment” was on July 15, 2016. But they failed miserably.

The confessions of military officers involved in the coup attempt have clearly indicated that Fethullah Gülen is the mastermind of this coup attempt and reveals his connection.

To give a few examples, chief of staff General Hulusi Akar’s testimony is worthy of special mention. He was neutralized by his aide-de-camp in the early hours of the coup attempt. According to Gen. Akar, Gülenist plotters tried to convince him to talk to Mr. Gülen to join in their rebellion, but he refused to do so.

Another striking testimony is that of Lt. Col. Levent Türkkan, aide-de-camp of Gen. Akar. Lt. Col. Türkkan confessed that he is a member of FETO. Speaking about his background, Lt. Col. Türkkan said he met with the Gülen Movement during adolescence. He admitted that the Gülenists gave him the answers to the military school admission exam the night before the exam took place.

He said he used to wiretap the current and former chiefs of staff on a regular basis, on the orders of Gülenists. He noted that he would deliver the wiretapping device to a Gülenist working for the Turkish telecommunications authority on a weekly basis.

Sought by Turkish officials to stand trial on several counts of conspiracy, including the recent failed coup attempt, Mr. Gülen’s extradition to Turkey has already been asked from the US where he still currently resides. The Turkish government and the Turkish people strongly demand his return to face justice.

What began as a dark night on July 15 turned into a bright day when the coup was thwarted. Turkey is taking all legal measures to make sure that such incidents do not happen again. To do that we have to go after these people within the army, the judiciary, the security forces, wherever they may be.

This is an absolute necessity for our national security, as well as to protect democracy, freedom and the rule of law. In light of these extraordinary circumstances, the Council of Ministers of Turkey declared a state of emergency for a period of three months.

I must stress that the state of emergency was declared as a result of the coup attempt. It is in line with articles 120 and 121 of the Turkish constitution, which gives this power to the government. It was brought before the parliament where it was approved with the votes of not only the ruling party, but also the opposition.

The context of why the state of emergency was declared must be clearly understood. Adopted by countries like France and Belgium in response to terror attacks, this measure is intended to expedite the legislative process and provide the authorities with legal tools necessary to bring those responsible to justice. Several thousand military officers and their accomplices in law enforcement and the judiciary have been suspended or arrested for having links to the coup. Their removal from public posts will make Turkey stronger and more transparent.

Thanks to the remarkable bravery, unity and solidarity of the Turkish people, the coup attempt was averted. Regardless of their political differences, the Turkish nation gave a very dignified message to the world that they are committed to democracy, freedom and the rule of law, no matter who the enemy is.

Today, the Turkish people are more united than at any time in recent history.

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