Saturday, August 6, 2016

ADB Conception on Cambodian Rural Development

Asian Development Bank

Cambodian agriculture is in a midst of rapid transformation. Its continued success will remain a key engine in reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity in Cambodia. Data from Cambodian Agriculture in Transition, co-financed by the World Bank and Australian government, highlights the opportunities and risks. Supplied.

This Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) provides ADB's strategic approach in Cambodia for 2014-2018, aligned with the midterm review of Strategy 2020, the country's own development strategy, and ADB's comparative strengths.

Consistent with the Government’s economic reform priorities, the impact of the new CPS will be reduction in poverty and vulnerability. It will embed the three strategic agendas of the Midterm Review of Strategy 2020 into all ADB operations: (i) inclusive economic growth, (ii) environmentally sustainable growth; and (iii) regional cooperation and integration. Public–private partnerships will be a key activity, as will strategies to enhance partnerships with cofinanciers and implement knowledge activities. It focuses on five sectors (agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; water and other urban infrastructure and services; transport; education; and finance) and one cross-cutting sector (public sector management).

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