Friday, September 16, 2016

Making Smart Investments That Catalyze Economic Growth

Feed the Future

It’s Feed the Future Week, and all week we’ll be celebrating progress and partnerships made possible through the initiative’s innovative model for development. Feed the Future’s progress wouldn't be possible without our partners—governments, private companies, universities and research partners, other donors and civil society. Read on as we celebrate the vital partnerships that have contributed to impact across the globe.

Making Smart Investments That Catalyze Economic Growth

Feed the Future has made significant progress in advancing global food security and nutrition. Together with our partners, we've helped rally the global community to transform the way we approach development, and our efforts are paying off.

This summer, Congress passed and President Obama signed the Global Food Security Act, important bipartisan legislation that codifies Feed the Future's successful approach to increasing food security and nutrition. This historic step reaffirmed the U.S. Government's commitment to ending global hunger, poverty and malnutrition.

But to meet the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals and create a food-secure 2030, we'll have to be more catalytic, creative and collaborative in financing global food security and nutrition. So we're working with our donor partners to explore new ways to bring all sectors and funding streams to the table. By making targeted investments in key areas, donors and development institutions can maximize spending to bring new and increased capital from across sectors into food security and nutrition efforts. Working together, we can make sure these investments will improve the lives and livelihoods of people the world over.

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