Friday, October 14, 2016

GI Status Sought for Battambang Oranges


Amid increased demand for oranges grown in Battambang province, the Ministry of Agriculture is seeking to have the fruit’s unique and sought-after flavor recognized under the European Union’s geographical identification (GI) status.

Ministry spokesperson Lor Reaksmey explained that the application process, involving ministry officials and international experts, was still underway.

“So far, we have conducted numerous studies on the GI status [for Battambang oranges] and French GI experts also conducted work as well, but it is not yet finished.”

He stressed that the process requires a number of studies, and the process was not cheap, but that the status was very beneficial for Cambodian farmers and was therefore a priority for the ministry.

“So far we have just had two products – Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu palm sugar – get GI status,” Mr. Reaksmey said.

“Under the framework of the French national development agency [AFD] we have prepared many products for GI status but none have received GI status yet.”

Mr. Reaksmey said that the government has listed oranges from Battambang province, alongside Phnom Srok silk from Banteay Meanchey province, durians from Kampot province, prahok fish paste from Siem Reap province, grapefruit from Kratie province, and milled rice from Svay Rieng province, as suitable candidates for GI status.

Pea Saron, an orange farmer in Battambang province’s Sangke district, explained that the oranges have a unique sweetness with a hint of sourness, and also benefit from being largely grown without chemicals. She explained that her family had recently expanded from growing oranges around their house to having a dedicated plantation due to increasing demand. She added that genuine Battambang oranges can only be found in markets between September and November.

Chan Natheap, an orange dealer in Battambang province, said yesterday that the oranges were growing increasingly popular, both locally and around the country. She said that the retail price for the oranges ranges from $0.25 to $0.38 each, and that the price was rising with demand.

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