Friday, December 16, 2016

Businesses Granted Extension for CO


Exporters, producers and traders will have an additional 20 days to sign up for the certificate of origin (CO) using automated systems, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Wednesday.

In the announcement, the ministry said that the extension was granted as many companies had yet to apply despite the system having been in operation since August 26.

“In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce has decided to extend the deadline for the CO automation registration to December 31 in order to allow the companies, producers and traders to fulfill their obligations,” the announcement said.

Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) deputy secretary-general Kaing Monika said that some 600 GMAC members had already complied with the requirements of the ministry but added that the automated system was time consuming and still had some kinks.

“All GMAC members have registered but this online system doesn’t work well yet. The online system takes longer than when the process is done manually. It takes four to six working days to obtain the CO,” Mr. Monika said.

“It is kind of duplicate work also because the applicant needs to also submit physical copies of documents after the approval of the required documents is done electronically. We are going to discuss this issue with the ministry soon. We hope this problem will be fixed and we appreciate any online initiative the government introduces,” he added.

A certificate of origin is an official document used to certify the products originated, wholly obtained, produced or manufactured in a country. It is generally an integral part of trade documentation required by exporting countries.

The garment and footwear industry remains the backbone of Cambodia’s exports. In 2015, combined garment and footwear exports accounted for 78 percent of the country’s total merchandise exports.

Total exports of Cambodia’s garment and footwear sector in the first quarter of 2016 reached $1.8 billion.

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