Tuesday, January 17, 2017

AIIB celebrates its first anniversary; Launches its 2017 agenda


Building on the momentum from its inaugural year, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has launched its 2017 strategic priorities, focusing on sustainable infrastructure, cross country connectivity and the mobilization of private capital. Guided by these themes, the bank will leverage its relationships with other multilateral development banks and private financiers to meet Asia’s growing infrastructure demands and contribute to social and economic growth in the region.

In 2017, AIIB will focus on:

• Sustainable Infrastructure – promoting green infrastructure and supporting countries to meet their environmental and development goals.

• Cross-Border Connectivity – prioritizing cross-border infrastructure, ranging from roads and rail, to ports, energy and telecoms across Central Asia, and the maritime routes in South East and South Asia, and the Middle East, and beyond.

• Private Capital Mobilization – devising innovative solutions that catalyze private capital, in partnership with other MDBs, governments and private financiers.

“AIIB’s core mission is to promote Asia’s social and economic development by investing in projects that will connect people, services and markets,” said Jin Liqun, President, AIIB. “We have a strong pipeline of projects in 2017 that will prioritize green infrastructure investments, promote energy efficiency, renewables, clean transport and other projects that help address global warming.”

Since launching on January 16, 2016, AIIB has welcomed 57 signatory countries and has approved loans of US$1.73 billion to support nine infrastructure projects in seven countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Myanmar, Azerbaijan and Oman. A full list of approved projects can be viewed by visiting AIIB’s newly redesigned website. [insert link to projects once new site is launched]

“We have had a very productive first year of operations,” said President Jin. “In 2016 we worked hard to be seen as a trusted partner by sovereign governments, private financiers and other multilateral development banks. We believe only by working collaboratively can we hope to address the growing need for transportation networks, urban development, clean water supplies and low-carbon power within Asia.”

For more information, please visit www.aiib.org

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