Tuesday, January 17, 2017

China Vs. Japan On Giving Foreign Aid: 3 Things Other Countries Should Know

Ralph Jennings

A worker from a factory run by the Japanese firm Canon holds Vietnamese and Japanese flags as she prepares to welcome visiting Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito to Thang Long Industrial Park in Hanoi on February 11, 2009. (HOANG DINH NAM/AFP/Getty Images)

Japan's prime minister became the first foreign head of state to visit the Philippines last week under President Rodrigo Duterte, and he extended a development aid package hours after arrival. Duterte, in office in Manila since June, has turned the Philippines into something of an economic assistance battleground between Japan and China, who don’t like each other for a list of reasons reaching back to World War II. The Philippines is just a new case. China and Japan have vied since 2004 to be Asia's chief economic and military sugar daddy as ways and curtail the rival donor’s influence.

The competition between Asia's two economic powers is real. China pledged $24 billion in aid to the Philippines in October, perhaps prompting Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s Thursday-Friday visit. Just after China’s state-owned China Railway Group won a $5 billion contract to build Indonesia's high-speed railway in 2015, to give another example, a Japanese consortium said it had won a deal worth triple that amount to build a similar project in India, the Economist Intelligence Unit reports.

But the two countries offer aid in three not so subtle different ways. Here are the buyer-beware basics:

Japan's prime minister became the first foreign head of state to visit the Philippines last week under President Rodrigo Duterte, and he extended a development aid package hours after arrival. Duterte, in office in Manila since June, has turned the Philippines into something of an economic assistance battleground between Japan and China, who don’t like each other for a list of reasons reaching back to World War II. The Philippines is just a new case. China and Japan have vied since 2004 to be Asia's chief economic and military sugar daddy as ways and curtail the rival donor’s influence.

The competition between Asia's two economic powers is real. China pledged $24 billion in aid to the Philippines in October, perhaps prompting Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s Thursday-Friday visit. Just after China’s state-owned China Railway Group won a $5 billion contract to build Indonesia's high-speed railway in 2015, to give another example, a Japanese consortium said it had won a deal worth triple that amount to build a similar project in India, the Economist Intelligence Unit reports.

But the two countries offer aid in three not so subtle different ways. Here are the buyer-beware basics:
  1. Japan is more transparent. Japan’s Official Development Assistance program and its partners publish detailed stats on what they give other countries. For example, in 2014, the program gave Cambodia 8.827 billion yen ($77.1 million) in grants and you can see that online. For defense, Japan offered Vietnam six naval ships worth $5 million in 2014. China helps the armed forces of Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar but published sources give no conclusive sums or lists of equipment provided. China offers general figures here and there. But Japan as a democracy is naturally more precise than China in aid given – and means of picking recipients.
  2. China expects natural resources in return. China needs resources from abroad to help feed and fuel its 1.3 billion population with a fast growing economy. Beijing’s 4-year-old Belt-and-Road initiative to let Chinese firms build infrastructure around Asia builds highways and railways in nearby countries to help bring resources into China. In Myanmar, “resentment is widespread” over Chinese trade in timber and jade without benefits to local Burmese, according to a Transnational Institute analysis. China was 39% foreign direct investment in Indonesian mining in 2014, according to the book “China's Global Quest for Resources: Energy, Food and Water.” China has been an eager infrastructure builder in Myanmar for at least the past decade and especially under its junta rule that was close to the one-party Chinese state. Indonesia, set back competitively in Asia by poor infrastructure, got some of the Beijing-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s first round of loans last year.
  3. Japan wants aid to open doors for factory investors. Japan hopes recipients of development aid will open doors to factory investors. It’s not official policy anywhere, but you can see aid-factory correlations in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. Japan looks to the recipient countries for cheap land and labor. Some aid money builds projects that help Japanese investors get factory goods back home. Japan is the top automaker in Thailand. Japanese firms make electronics in the Philippines. Japan was the top source of development aid in Vietnam from 2010 to 2015, including $1.8 billion for projects in 2014. Some of the aid went to a new Hanoi international airport terminal, a highway and a subway system in Ho Chi Minh City. Japanese investors such as its signature automakers run factories in the same country. Chinese factories also occur in countries that take its money, but China is already a world manufacturing hub with cheapish labor and ample land compared to Japan. It’s less urgent.

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