The launch of the Cambodian Financial Management Information System (FMIS) project phase II took place on February 22 in the presence of Mr. HEAN Sahib, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Mr. George EDGAR, EU Ambassador to Cambodia, and many other high ranking government officials from the MEF.
In his speak at the launching ceremony, Mr. EDGAR said that the FMIS phase II will help the Royal Government of Cambodia to effectively manage its national budget with greater transparency and accountability.
"As a key development partner of Cambodia, the European Union is delighted to join Sweden, Australia and the World Bank in supporting Cambodia's Public Finance Management Reform Programme to help the government effectively manage public funds and provide greater transparency and accountability," said the EU Ambassador.
According to Mr. Sahib, FMIS project phase II will update the existing computerized system of the MEF to be able to do more jobs such as budget planning and formulation, budget implementation, procurement, purchase orders, fixed assets, and inventory.
He added that this FMIS project phase II will also extend the full functionality of the FMIS to all Line Ministries, all MEF Departments, and eventually all Government Projects.
Concerning FMIS project phase I, Mr. Sahib said that, after the implementation of the project, the MEF's computerized system is capable of doing the main treasury jobs such as budgeting and payments, revenue-receiving, accounting and reporting in the Central and Provincial Treasuries.
With the helps from the World Bank and development partners, the MEF has initiated a Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) since 2004. This reform is to improve the accountability and transparency of the national budget management.
The World Bank is a leading provider of financing and technical assistance for FMIS development. Since 1984, the Bank has helped 74 countries around the world to reform their PFM by designing and implementing FMIS.

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