In his speech at the launching ceremony of a number of facilities in a pagoda in Kampong Trabek District, Prey Veng Province, on Friday, Prime Minister Hun Sen said that more than 80 percent of phone calls around the globe were hacked by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). But nobody blamed or criticized CIA for doing so.
Prime Minister Hun Sen's claim came after WikiLeaks released on Tuesday a series of leaked documents being said to be CIA documents codenamed by Wikileaks as "Vault 7".
According to WikiLeaks, malware created by CIA was capable of hacking major softwares on the market such as ISO for iPhone, Android for Android phone, Windows, OSX, Linux etc. The aim of the hack was to listen to any phone call and read any text message around the world.
In response, CIA published a statement on their website on Wednesday saying that they had no comment on the authenticity of the leaked documents released by Wikileaks.
"We have no comment on the authenticity of purported intelligence documents released by Wikileaks or on the status of any investigation into the source of the documents," read CIA's statement.
However, CIA added that their primary job was to protect the US from enemies abroad. As a result, CIA had to be innovative, and equipped with cutting-edge technology.
"It is CIA’s job to be innovative, cutting-edge, and the first line of defense in protecting this country [the US] from enemies abroad," added the statement.
Founded in September 18, 1947, the CIA is a US government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.
According to online sources, during the Vietnam War, a special force of CIA experts, known as the Special Observation Group (SOG), was dispatched to Cambodia and Laos to conduct secret operations against the Communist North Vietnam. Their mission lasted for eight years.
In 1967, President Richard Nixon asked Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant to the President for National Security, to order the SOG to conduct two potential actions in Cambodia.
The first mission was to create covert paramilitary operations against the North Vietnamese Forces in the sanctuary areas just over the Cambodian border. The second mission was to eliminate or reduce the arms traffic through Cambodia to communist forces in South Vietnam.
On the other hand, in his book "My War against CIA", the late King Norodom Sihanouk wrote that the CIA was behind his ouster by Lon Nol in March 1970. However, there is no evidence of any CIA role in the coup.
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