US ambassador to Cambodia William A. Heidt told reporters on Thursday that as the new US Administration was starting to establish friendship with many countries around the world, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and the US government should do more cooperation together instead of criticizing each other.
The ambassador's statement was made following a series of attack made by Prime Minister Hun Sen in many occasions since last week on the fact that wars and suffering in the Middle East and in Cambodia are due to the US interventions in those countries and in Cambodia.
Prime Minister Hun Sen also raises his concern about the debt Cambodia owes to the US since the period of Vietnam War when the Cambodian republican government ruled the country.
Regarding the debt, Ambassador Heidt said that since 2011, the RGC never make any official request to the US government about canceling the debt. And he would like to discuss this matter with the RGC.
In the same way, Mr. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, told reporters that so far his government did not make any official request about dropping the debt that is mounting to $500 million at the time.
However, Mr. Siphan urged the US government to change this debt into humanitarian aid for clearing minefields and unexploded ordnance in Cambodia.
This kind of attack made by Prime Minister Hun Sen concerning US intervention in Cambodia, happened also on the US soil - Mrs. Samantha Power, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said the same thing.
She said that Pol Pot’s “killing fields” in Cambodia would never have occurred if Henry Kissinger did not ordered an illegal four-and-a-half-year bombing campaign in the country.
In contrast, Kissinger said that if the US won the war, bad thing should not happen. For example, after the US won the war in South Korea, that country becomes a very rich country where people live in prosperity and luxury. The same thing happened to European countries after World War II.
With the Marshall Plan, an American initiative to help Western Europe, the Western European countries could recover from the destruction of war and become the rich countries again in a short period of time.
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