Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gov't: UN special rapporteur is biased

Tin Sokhavuth

Prak Sokhon, Cambodian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in his speech at the General Assembly’s seventy-second session in New York City last Friday, said that the UN Special Rapporteurs were biased - their reports always attacked and condemned his government. Instead, the reports praised opposition party as human rights protector, whereas violation of law committed by opposition party has never been mentioned in their reports, such as incitement to racial hatred that is forbidden and condemned by the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) etc.

However, regarding the current political situation in Cambodia, the US, the EU and many other countries around the world said that the Kingdom of Cambodia, led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, is deviating from the multiparty democracy path by arresting opposition leaders and interrupting independant media.

To the US and the EU, the arrest of Mr. Kem Sokha, a well-known opposition leader, is illegal, and they asked the Cambodian government to release Mr. Sokha immediately. If not, a possible suspension of cooperation with Cambodia could take place sometime.

"[...] any consideration regarding the possible suspension of cooperation would have to be carefully evaluated in terms of its impact, especially on the poor and vulnerable population, on people' livelihoods and on better access of children to schools that are the first priority we have in helping the Cambodian people," said Ms. Federica Mogherini, High Representative/Vice-President at the European Parliament.

On the other hand, concerning the US role in peacekeeping in the world, during the General Assembly’s seventy-second session, President Donald Trump reiterated that He, as the President of the United States of America, will put «America First» as presidents of other countries do for their country.

"As President of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always, and should always, put your countries first," said Mr. Trump.

To this «America First» slogan, some journalists misunderstand it. In contrast, they think through this America First Foreign Policy, the US Government would not involve in any conflict around the world anymore. They are wrong!

According to the White House, the America First Foreign Policy is the process of building peace in the world by using «FORCE.» It could also mean that America should be the number one in the world.

"Peace through strength will be at the center of that foreign policy. This principle will make possible a stable, more peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground [...] The world will be more peaceful and more prosperous with a stronger and more respected America," wrote the White House on its website.

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