Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Chinese university to be built in Phnom Penh

A Chinese delegation meets with Labour Ministry officials yesterday. MOL

A Chinese university will be built in Chroy Changva district with the cooperation of the Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation.

Labor Minister Ith Samheng said yesterday after meeting with delegates of Tianjin Polytechnic University at the ministry that the Chinese officials planned to create a big university in the capital’s district.

“They are really interested in improving the economic situation in Cambodia and human resources in our country for the future,” he said.

The Chinese delegation that met with Mr Samheng was led by Lian Jie, secretary of the Tianjin Polytechnic University Committee.

Mr Samheng said that the university will cooperate with the OCIC in order to be built.

“I think this Polytechnic University will develop our human resources in our country,” he said, noting that the university will offer masters degrees and Phd degrees.

Mr Samheng added that classes will be offered in Khmer, Mandarin and other languages.

Mr Samheng said that construction of the school may begin soon to mark the 65th anniversary of relations between Cambodia and China.

“I support this project,” he said.

The university will focus on ten majors, including textile engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science and technology, electrical engineering, food science, civil engineering, architecture, business management, international trade and hotel management.

Khmer Times
Mom Kunthear

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