Famous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, on Saturday, met with young Cambodian Minister of Environment Say Sam Al, who was graduated from universities in Australia, to talk about better measures of protecting natural resource in the kingdom.
According to Ministry of Environment's Facebook page, Angelina Jolie has been discussing with the minister to find out better ways to preserve natural resources in Samlout Protected Area or "Samlout Multiple Use Area" situated in Pailin and Battambang province. During the talk, she also expressed her good intention to raise the living standards of the people in the area.
For her, to better protect natural resource in the area, close cooperations between all stakeholders in term of continuous patrolling the area is needed in a view to prevent and repress all kind of illegal actions.
Moreover, she pointed out that to raise community's living standards, a sustainable development in the field of agriculture, and ecotourism is needed in order to reduce the dependence on natural resource of the people in their daily life as well as to change their habit to live in accordance with the environment and nature.
In 2003, Angelina Jolie created the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation (MJP) to preserve Cambodia's endangered natural resource in Cardamom Mountains. And Samlout Multiple Use Area was chosen for the initial operation conducted by MJP.
According to online sources, Samlout is the region where most of biodiversity can be found such as forests, freshwater ecosystem, and endangered species ect.
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