Wednesday, September 13, 2017

China to help Cambodia build an institution dealing with color revolution

Tin Sokhavuth

Kung Raiya, a Cambodian student was jailed for calling for a color revolution on Facebook. Photo:supplied

Mr. Kao Kim Hourn, minister delegate attached to the Prime Minister, on Wednesday, told reporters at Phnom Penh international airport, after his return from China, that China will soon help Cambodia to build an institution dealing with any possible color revolution in the country.

He added that the decision to build the institution was made after Prime Minister Hun Sen met with Chinese deputy prime minister Zhang Kalev on Tuesday.

According to online source, color revolution is a term relates to various movements in the former Soviet Union, the Balkans, and in the Middle East.

These movements could also be called civil resistance in which activists mostly used nonviolent methods such as demonstrations and/or strikes against their governments. Specific color or flower was used for each movement.

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