Wednesday, September 13, 2017

US Embassy suspends visa for Cambodian high ranking diplomats

Tin Sokhavuth

On September 13, the US Embassy in Cambodia announced that the issuing of B1, B2 and B1/B2 visas was suspended for Cambodian government officials working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with the rank of Director General and above including their families. However, the visa could be issued for them in some special circumstances.

According to the embassy, under the US immigration law, this visa suspension is requested by the Secretary of Homeland Security for country refusing to accept its citizen deported from the US. And the issuing of visas would be resumed when the country in question agrees to accept the individuals.

Concerning the deportation, Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, previously said his government acknowledges that those deportees had committed crime or violated the US laws. Normally, they were on trial and convicted by the US court under the US laws.

But after their jail time, they were deported to their country where they were born. To Mr. Siphan, the deportation is an act of «inhumanity» for countries which granted Human Rights as their core value.

"It is «inhuman» because the deportation leads to the separation between wife and husband, and/or between parents and children," said the spokesman.

He also said that it is only the US laws that allows the deportation, the laws in the European countries forbid such act of inhumanity.

According to the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as of 2017, 544 Cambodian people were deported from the US. Among them, 26 people died.

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