Wednesday, December 13, 2017

UN chemical experts inspect chemical bombs found in Cambodia's territory

Tin Sokhavuth

A team of chemical weapon experts from the UN, on Wednesday, went to inspect chemical bombs found in Mondul Kiri province in Cambodia. After the inspection, the team would affirm the kind of the chemical bombs.

General Ke Da, Deputy General Secretary of the Cambodian national chemical weapon authority at the Ministry of National Defense, told Fresh News from Mondul Kiri province that the experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an organ of the UN, started their work of inspection by digging the soil to take some chemical substance from the found bombs in order to test to find out from what kind of chemical substance the bombs were made.

Gen. Da added that ten barrels of chemical bombs were found in two different places in Mondul Kiri's Orang district. The bombs were supposed to be dropped by the US planes during the Vietnam War.

Gen. Da also said that the ten barrels of chemical bombs were found in 2015. And some chemical experts from the US already came to examine the bombs. However, Cambodia needs experts from the UN to confirm the presence and the kind of the bombs.

According to Mr. Bou Bunchheat, police chief in Orang district, some villagers living in the drop zone died from a number of unknown diseases. Moreover, Officer Bunchheat added that when the temperature rose in the drop zone, the villagers could smell a bad smell from the bombs.

As for Mr. Svay Sam Eang, Mondul Kiri province's governor, he urged the US government to take its responsibility by sending its experts in chemical weapon to help Cambodia remove those US chemical bombs in order for the Cambodian people living in his province could enjoy their life freed from any danger caused by the chemical bombs.

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