Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How can communication generate successful and sustainable reforms?

The World Bank
Umou Al-Bazzaz

For one, communication should be the first step to a reform process by enabling reform agents to begin the process of developing policy initiatives and programs and seeing reform not from the government or institution's perspective but from the point of view of those who are meant to benefit from these reforms. It also plays a key role at various stages of reform, governmental or institutional. However, there are many obstacles to a successful reform agenda. Most noted are political, changes in people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviors and the conflicting interests of opinion leaders and stakeholders.

At the start of reform process leaders can use communication to articulate a rationale for change, and engage people in a consultative process to better understand the nature of the problem that reforms intend to affect. After the reforms are launched, their target audiences will need to develop support which often requires changes not only in what people know, but also in their attitudes and practices. To sustain the success of reforms, policymakers and program managers need to continuously respond to people's concerns, reduce barriers to adoption of new practices, and encourage people to maintain positive behaviors.

So, to find out how reform leaders can use communications to generate broad support for reforms, join us for the 2018 World Bank - Annenberg Summer Institute in Reform Communication: Leadership, Strategy and Stakeholder Alignment to get answers and learn more about the art and science of reform communication

The eighth annual Summer Institute will be held at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, June 4 - June 15, 2018. ​ During the 10-day program, participants will learn the most recent advances in communication and proven techniques in reform implementation. Participants will develop the skills required to bring about real change, leading to development results. They will also connect with a global network of development professionals working on initiatives in the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Participants will acquire critical skills in five key areas:
  • Interpreting and using political economy analyses;
  • Crafting multi-stakeholder collaboration, coalition and network building strategies and tactics to support reform;
  • Providing communication skills that support the implementation of reforms;
  • Leveraging social/digital media tools and analytics effectively; and
  • Developing communication metrics and applying monitoring and evaluation frameworks relevant to reform.
The Summer Institute is designed for leaders, strategists and advisors who want to strengthen the critical competencies necessary to support change agents and reform leaders in developing countries. Senior development practitioners and communication professionals from countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East participate each year. This has created a global network of development professionals working on initiatives in the public, private and non-profit sectors, with which leaders can connect.

The course is designed and organized each year by the World Bank Group's External and Corporate Relations (ECR), Operational Communications unit, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

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